Saturday, May 17, 2008

Rollin', Rollin', Rollin'...through time

An update is long over due...since the last post we have become STRONGLY attached to "Lucky" the dog. Lee installed HER a doggie door to the back yard so she can come and go as she pleases.

Lee finished his first year of course work toward his PHD!!! It has been a long stressful year and surprisingly, since classes ended he hasn't stoped writing I have little room to talk between work and my involvement at The World Peace Cafe and dharma Center there's rarely time to pull the weeds in our yard. Our neighbor (in the purple house) paid his lawn guy to moe our yard last week. The next day a guy that "hangs around" the neighborhood commented to me, "you finally cut your grass." WHAT?!? Home ownership.

Dispite all the rushing around, we have made time for riding. Lee WAY more than me, but at the beginning of May I did my first mountain bike race and didn't finish last (but that's b/c I was on a co-ed team and my mate pulled us through)! It was a 12 hour race that Lee also did on a two person team...and WON!

Kierran (my team mate. A roadie in his first EVER race.)

Have fun! We are :)

It's also VERY important to note...that Lee became an uncle. Meet Georgia and her ma'ma Lauren.


Jeni said...

I'm glad everything is all right with the house. You 2 sound very busy. Congrats on the races...Is the date still Oct 18th? Sean and I haven't purchased tickets yet, but the prices are decent right now so I thought about it. You can go to my website and view the catalog and order directly from there if you'd like and have it sent directly to you. Hopefully the summer will ease up a bit for you two. :)

Ashley said...

yay updates!

How could you not get attached to that dog? She's too cute!

Congrats on being in your first mountain bike race-and congrats to Lee for winning! That's awesome! You guys are my heros...I have to get up enough nerve to run in a 5k, and reading about the races and whatnot you guys are in gives me inspiration. :)